/BCO-DMO/Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes/hydrocast --ISO_DateTime_UTC eq 2012-07-14T22:07:00Z-- Level 1

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# Southern Ocean Winter Cruise 2012: Hydrocast data
# PI: Daniel M. Sigman (Princeton)
# Version: 05 May 2015
# Samples collected by Sandi Smart (University of Cape Town) aboard the R/V Salyzed in the Sigman lab at in the Sigman lab at Princeton University
# Data published in: Smart, S. M., S. E. Fawcett, S. J. Thomalla, M. A. Weigand, C. J. C. Reason, and D. M. Sigman (2015), Isotopic evidence for nitrification 
#      in the Antarctic winter mixed layer, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 29, doi:10.1002/2014GB005013.
station  date        time    lat       lon       depth_mixed_layer  month  day  year  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
AM00010  07/14/12    2207    -47.080   4.077     153                07     14   2012  2012-07-14T22:07:00Z      
sample              depth     temp     sal     oxygen_corr  sigma_t   NO3_NO2_mean  NO3_NO2_stdev  d15N_NO3_NO2_mean  d15N_NO3_NO2_stdev  d18Ocorr_NO3_NO2_mean  d18O_NO3_NO2_stdev  NO3_mean    NO3_stdev  d15N_NO3_mean  d15N_NO3_stdev  d18O_NO3_mean  d18O_NO3_stdev  
VOY03CTD10_BTL074   9.69      4.89     33.80   6.98         1026.66   20.782        0.850          6.850              0.022               4.760                  0.043               20.108      0.128      7.295          0.062           5.029          0.199           
VOY03CTD10_BTL075   50.02     4.90     33.81   6.96         1026.67   20.792        0.766          6.830              0.051               4.739                  0.088               19.888      0.170      7.249          0.028           5.145          0.099           
VOY03CTD10_BTL076   98.22     4.89     33.81   6.95         1026.67   20.835        0.846          6.834              0.044               4.770                  0.019               20.233      0.124      7.246          0.047           4.919          0.180           
VOY03CTD10_BTL077   178.86    4.57     33.92   6.68         1026.80   23.685        0.548          6.278              0.042               3.940                  0.073               22.944      0.128      6.354          0.023           4.233          0.241           
VOY03CTD10_BTL078   198.74    4.04     34.02   6.46         1026.94   25.944        0.811          5.922              0.044               3.303                  0.209               25.798      0.200      5.883          0.046           3.420          0.086           
VOY03CTD10_BTL079   247.55    3.66     34.08   6.27         1027.03   27.499        0.299          5.752              0.040               3.063                  0.291               27.435      0.101      5.754          0.039           3.175          0.153           
VOY03CTD10_BTL080   298.05    3.30     34.09   6.06         1027.08   28.649        0.289          5.687              0.024               2.869                  0.105               28.206      0.762      5.635          0.098           2.966          0.156           
VOY03CTD10_BTL081   398.19    3.00     34.15   5.60         1027.16   30.890        0.299          5.555              0.014               2.751                  0.244               30.050      0.903      5.525          0.106           2.641          0.143           
VOY03CTD10_BTL082   495.48    2.89     34.21   5.20         1027.23   32.249        0.326          5.496              0.015               2.426                  0.072               31.057      0.794      5.410          0.080           2.407          0.070           
VOY03CTD10_BTL083   592.45    2.82     34.27   4.90         1027.28   32.575        0.603          5.420              0.036               2.432                  0.180               32.155      0.478      5.363          0.092           2.318          0.066           
VOY03CTD10_BTL084   692.29    2.68     34.32   4.62         1027.33   33.659        0.456          5.339              0.026               2.452                  0.186               33.034      0.547      5.261          0.087           2.155          0.092           
VOY03CTD10_BTL085   790.06    2.63     34.39   4.30         1027.40   34.625        0.314          5.245              0.034               2.215                  0.039               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD10_BTL086   892.89    2.66     34.46   4.12         1027.45   34.348        0.280          5.204              0.028               2.151                  0.160               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD10_BTL087   990.64    2.64     34.51   4.04         1027.50   33.964        0.269          5.189              0.034               2.140                  0.128               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd